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"If the American public knew just how deep this slide went, then we would have a very significant constitutional crisis on our hands."
- Lue Elizondo

"There have been agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy."
- David Grusch


*Warning Graphic Content*

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Download the first book FREE - The Orion Lines - The Truth About Extraterrestrials, Ryushin Malone's Research & Discoveries (revised 2024)- by clicking on the book image below & find out that I figured out the whole alien thing in 2017-2018.  It's a picture book of over 100 connection, very simple 20 min read.  All of my discoveries were copy-written in 2021.  They've taken away all of my social media accounts, banded viewing my website on most platforms & in most countries.  What I have discovered is terrifying but it needs to be heard by all of Humanity. Download the book FREE & find out why! 

New second book out NOW!  Catastrophic Disclosure - The End of Night First & The Age of Reason find out the truth about the aliens and why they've been here in secret.  ONLY $15.82

Crashed alien spacecraft filled with human body parts inside. They've been eating us.

The REAL TRUTH about the Holocaust in WW2 & the technology, power gained, & THE SATANIC ORION GROUP\DRACO who've been secretly ruling over Humanity. 

Multiple US Military whistleblowers claim the ALIENS are Satanic demonic ADRENOCHROME HARVESTERS.  WE ARE A FOOD, DRUG AND SLAVE SOURCE. MUST WATCH!!! *graphic


The US Military built the D.U.M.B.s deep underground military bases) IDENTICAL to The Nazi Death Marches in the same shape and size of ORION.  Why?  To honor Satanic Orion because they have been feeding them Humans in trade for technology.  The US Military is guilty of Genocide.


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Not only did they build the D.U.M.B.s in the same identical shape of Orion, but they built it in the identical size as well! 300 miles across. They took the Nazi Death March railroads flipped it upside down & horizontal put it over America and had tax payers pay for it.


William Cooper 
Greada Treaty 1954



AFOSI Agent Richard Doty, (ret.) CONFIRMS The US Military indeed has been TRADING Human Beings, CHILDREN with DEMONIC ALIENS for TECHNOLOGY!  7/31/2023

Alien drones known as 'orbs' examining children.
The aliens been coming for the children & the military didn't warn us because they were trading us for technology.

The aliens were allowed to live in the D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases) until they were all destroyed in 2019 by "earthquakes." 

9/11 happened to hide the paper trail & receipts leading to the missing 2.3 trillion dollars found by Rumsfeld on 9/10 which went to the illegal creation of the SECRET D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases).  
131 bases at 18 bill
each = 2.3 tril  
Also, n
early every ancient site in the world aligns to Evil Satanic Orion. 

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Is "HELL" real? Where is HELL located?

The Pentagon UFO Program AATIP, Lue Elizondo's True Disclosure. 


Proving Erich von Däniken WRONG about his King Pakal spaceship theory.  He's not an astronaut in a spaceship... He's a sacrifice with a gigantic knife plugging into him by Kukulkan, The Feathered Serpent DRACO while being on the death alter with blood pouring out of him.   7/14/2023

More on Mayan Art Click Here

Most recent interview with full explanation of The Orion Lines on Mark Attwood's Show 8/21/2024

I've been able to type 21 different species of Extraterrestrial that have been leaked onto the internet for the past 30 years.
All are real.  

The Nazca Alien Mummies connection to King Akhenaten made 7/25/2017, 7 years ago and they blatantly & intentionally ignored me.  Those aren't their children.  They weren't worshipping the sun disk, the aliens ship.  They were worshipping the aliens,
THE ONE TRUE GOD!"  Are they 'God,' the creators of Humanity or God's gardeners???  Why have we been LIED TO?!!! 
(just featured in the Mexican Congress)

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The real reason they are considered to be fake is because THEY'RE LYING.


Second species found with the little beings connections.

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DNA & Carbon 14 testing results Click Here

The Nazca Alien Mummies to King Akhenaten "EBE 1992 Eiger" Switzerland & "Dead Alien Found In Snow In Siberia" Same Species. 
Tiny Super Intelligent Alien Beings 7/25/2017

More on The Nazca Alien Mummies Click Here

Alien Weaponry Phil Schneider

Moron Phil Schneider Click Here

It's been 7 years since I've made the connection and all I get back are rejection letters from their scientific journals.  I did force NASA to admit they were real by attacking their Twitter account with all the evidence.  Unfortunately, they did not include 'WHICH' tiny aliens they were referring to.  All they can do is sit around and mock me.

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The closest UFOs in the world has ever seen.  40ft.  Example of antigravity engine sound like an AC unit and electrical discharge with elevation change as the ratchet sound.  Also, example of consciousness tied into the lighting system.

Thousands of REAL UFOs Click Here

How Aliens Speak

For more on ALIENS Click Here

The best UFOs in the world.  Disks

Thousands of REAL UFOs Click Here


Thousands of REAL UFOs Click Here


Thousands of REAL UFOs Click Here

How Crop Circles Are Made

The Great Culling & The Revolt
Agenda 21 was an adrenochrome harvest that was stopped Dec 2018 


Multiple whistleblowers claim The US Government made "...agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy." 
Solider witnessed Human 
trafficking with the ALIENS.

The Elite have been fattening us up with High Fructose Corn Syrup for "The Great Culling" in trade for technology.

As a result of Trump's takedown, surviver Katy Groves claims The US Military was making child sex and snuff films in D.U.M.B.s they were calling "UNCLE SAM'S SNUFF FACTORY" at Fort Hood, NOW Fort Cavazos, Killeen, Texas where an "alarming amount of soldiers have been dying since 2016."  & D.U.M.B.s at Fort Hood Gray Army Airfield


Multiple US Military whistleblowers claim the ALIENS are Satanic demonic ADRENOCHROME HARVESTERS.  
MUST WATCH!!! *graphic (long version)

Tons more evidence they've been eating us in "HELL."  Click Here

Download video Click Here

Human trafficking for the aliens

Need more evidence?  Click Here

They all knew about the aliens...  "The Great Culling" was their plan for us.  Alien Invasion, Adrenochrome Harvest Takeover.  Agenda 21

P Diddy and Tom Hanks knows about the aliens coming...  They all know.  "The Return Is Near"

Fattening us up with corn.

Poisoning our water supply with metals, fluoride and chemicals to turn us gay.

They TRADED The Jews for technology and then after WW2,
The USA made the same deal.  (tax payers paid for this)

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When are you gonna wake up?

Why have the black hats been trying to take away our guns and call it CIA Project Orion?  Orion Alien Invasion

If it weren't for me, connecting the Nazi death marches and the deep underground military bases to the shape of Orion, we'd all be harvested in 2021.  The military use the evidence to justify them stopping the alien invasion, harvest takeover.  It's truth.

Three different perspectives Satanic Alien overlords visit The Pentagon on Dec 19th, 2018 at 4am to find out why they were double crossed 12 days earlier.   Alien Invasion Agenda 21 RIP December 7, 2018 
The Eye, The All Seeing Eye, Eye of Providence, Orion Eye

It's proof they've been working together behind our backs.

For more on The All Seeing Eye Click Here

Orion, the true source of Satanism and Human Sacrifice.  Ancient Aliens Destination Orion

Everything on The Evil Satanic Orion Group Click Here

ROTHSCHILD inc. paid the Nazis to build The Nazi Death Marches in the shape of Orion, to honor Orion.  The Orion Group\DRACO IS a Satanic Force who takes over star systems.  They probably targeted the Jews for leaving Egypt under Orion rule, Moses.  After WW2, The US Military & Operation Paperclip, made the same deal with The Orion Greys & built The D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases) IDENTICAL to the Nazi Death Marches in the same shape & size of Orion, this time tax payers paid for this. We paid for our own genocide.  To cover this up, we were just about to be invaded & harvested which was stopped Dec. 7, 2018.  RIP AGENDA 21

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We DID NOT win World War II, because the iIlluminati, ROTHSCHILD was behind both sides all along.

& The Black Suns aka The Orion Group/Draco

More on the Black Suns Click Here

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BABY FACTORY 8/2/2023  

Tons of evidence that Ukraine is a Satanic NAZI order Click Here

Trump covertly takes out US Military pedophile rings in 2017-2018, resulting in a whistleblower claiming that most from The Pentagon were looking for child prostitutes in foreign countries.

General Mark Millie admits he's part of the "International Order" or Illuminati Deep State.  
He was also in change of Fort Hood for a few years. 

Ever wonder why the MSM considers CHILD TRAFFICKING & ADRENOCHROME HARVESTING a "conspiracy theory," "crazy" & "FAKE NEWS"???  Uncle Sam's Snuff Factory - Child Snuff Ring at Fort Hood Military base once run by General Mark Milley where an unprecedented amount of troops have been dying at an alarming rate!


This is a U.S. CONCENTRATION camp hiding in broad daylight

Matching UFOs

Matching UFOs

racetrack lights Nov 2022 March 2024

matching ufos

UFOs using lasers

Alien connection

Operation Majority

A.S.I. Artificial Superintelligence is the single, most dangerous threat humanity will ever face far worse than the aliens. They will promise us endless pleasure until we are all dead and then take over.  Only with GLOBAL CONSENSUS, will we avoid this nightmare wanting to get out of box.

For more on A.S.I. Artificial Superintelligence Click Here

A.I. Artificial Intelligence now being used to propagate deepfake child sexual abuse imagery on the dark web!!  IT COULD BE YOUR CHILDREN!
Click Here for more information

Sounds ridiculous, all of it is true.  ALL OF IT. 

Drone Wars in New Jersey December 2024

Daylight by ryushin


 Long Live Humanity!

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Project Looking Glass
How did they know all of these things would come to pass?
They have quantum temporal time viewing devices, like Projects Looking Glass, The Orion Cube or Crystal ball.  They have the ability to view future events. This is why everything is coming to pass so accurately.  Having this technology actually changes the nature of reality itself. This is the chess match but I already won in 2018.  

More on Project Looking Glass Click Here

To go deeper down the ol' rabbit hole CLICK HERE

Help support my work, consider leaving a donation, Thank you.

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"In times of pervasive deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”

                                                                                                                           George Orwell

 Cashapp $ryushinseanmalone


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