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Basically I was able to figured out some major parts of the alien phenomena in 2017 by collecting and carefully examining the overwhelming amount of evidence that was already online.
The first picture below is absolute proof that The Elite have been trading people as food & drug adrenochrome for technology with aliens from Orion.
They used the Nazis to build the Nazi Death Marches in the shape of Orion to honor Orion. The USA built the IDENTICAL railroads in secret underground known as the D.U.M.B.s, because The USA DID NOT WIN WW2. Operation Highjump & Operation Paperclip. Not only are they in the shape of Orion, but they are the exact same size.
The second image is The Ukraine A30B military flag with The Black Suns symbol which is also The Orion Groups symbol. They are one and the same.
NATO even went as far to call their practice invasion of Russia "ORION 23" which happened 2/27/2023. Symbolism will be their downfall.
The third image is proof that not only are The Nazca Aliens Mummies real, but are in fact "God,"
the creators of Humanity.
Reality is not a conspiracy theory.
Information warfare, this is the information.
Don't believe me. Trust your heart and the evidence.

"ORION 23" practicing Russia invasion WW3 2/27/2023

The Pentagon UFO Program, Lue Elizondo telling the people to get ready to be told God, The Devil, Angels and Demons are all Aliens.

The Nazca Alien Mummies are real, they are the same species sitting with King Akhenaten and Queen Nefratiti.
Aten was known as 'The Sun God', they were also known as 'The One True God'.
Are They "God?"
I believe they are the Catholic God or creator of Humanity.
The Nazca Aliens Are Real
I have connected The Nazca Alien Mummies to King Akhenaten in Egypt, both species, to Video "Alien found dead in snow, Russia" & "EBE 1992 Eiger," as well as pictures evidence.
This has been in the public for 6 years. Nothing on the NEWS.
They've been lying to us this whole time.
Connection made 7/25/2017

1) They were being called “Aten, The One True God.” They were NOT King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti's Children. They were NOT worshiping The Sun Disk, it was probably their vehicles that look like little suns.
2) Look at how the aliens are admiring King Akhenaten and Queen Nefertiti by touching their face.
3) Akhenaten - Anunnaki? For a 2,000 year difference, they sound very similar.
4) The Dogan Tribe in Africa wore headdresses with these little beings on them. They said that God came from the Dog Star, a binary star system called Sirius B.
5) They are the only alien beings ever depicted in their likeness throughout all of Human history. The reason why the other ‘Gods’ had animal heads to represent them was probably because they weren’t allowed to draw them in their likeness and I believe they are their species of origin.
6) The Orion Group is a Satanic Force. Before Aten, there were many ‘Gods.’ In Egypt the pyramids aligned to Orion’s belt. There are also passage ways that align to Sirius, Thurban and Orion. Two thousand years before Egypt in Sumarria, these little beings were taken over by bigger beings. Since then, there has been constant conflict between them over Humanity and the Earth. You would know it as God vs The Devil or Good vs Evil.
7) The COP27 is using Aten's hands to represent their symbol. They know what's going on.
8) Also, it's Revelation. It's the correct timing. God, The Devil, angles and demons all aliens.

Second species found with the tiny alien beings

More On The Nazca Alien Mummies Click Here
It appears that their rule on Earth, Sumeria, was overthrown by The Orion Group, a more hostile group of extraterrestrials from Orion, The SATANIC FORCE, resulting in something The Elite have been calling "NIGHT FIRST."

Moloch is Orion. So if Orion is a Satanic Force, which side would these little beings be on?

A REAL Angel chasing a REAL Demon &
The War Over Humanity.
A thousand more examples CLICK HERE
Anthelion, meaning "Sun" is the root word for
Angel. EBV (energy ball vehicles) sightings have been increasing over the past 5 years.

Why did the Mayan carve Jesus into stone this way? So if God are aliens, would this be true?
I just proved Erich von Däniken wrong about his King Pakal's Spaceship theory. 7/14/2023

I've type 19 different Extraterrestrial species found on the internet which means there are as many different species out there as there are stars in the sky.
More On ALIENS Click Here
How Aliens Speak
The closest UFO The Public has ever seen
More UFOs Click Here
All Disk or Saucer Shaped Craft
All Cigar Shaped Craft
All Sphere Shaped Craft
Orbs aka alien drones
How Crop Circles Are Made
The Orion Group IS a Satanic Force.

- The Orion Connection -
Orion Found In Every Ancient Society Across The World & The True Origin of Satanism.
The reality is, Orion rules this world. They have been coming here for thousands of years using us for slaves, food and drug, ADRENOCHROME. The Orion Group is a SATANIC FORCE who takes over star systems. The Elite of The World have been secretly worshipping them and working for them, FEEDING them people as food in secret. It's all truth.
Nearly every ancient site has three things in common.
1) They All Align to ORION
2) Human Sacrifice (Adrenochrome Harvesting) and Mass Graves
3) Mass Extinction of Entire Human Society
I have solved The Nazca Lines. They are in the shape of ORION because they are The Orion Group territory markings.

Nearly every ancient site is ORION
Click Here for more

YOU MUST WATCH THIS VIDEO!!!!!! The aliens have been eating us!
The Greada Treaty & Broken Promises In Trade for Technology William Cooper
June 2023 New whistleblower David Grusch claims that "agreements that risk putting our future in jeopardy," were made in secret with the NHI's. Also ex CIA claims human trafficking called "harvest time," and Dr. Greer admitting to hearing stories of human trafficking with the aliens.
June 2023 new whistleblower Michael Herrera claims he saw black military operations, trading humans with aliens.
2009 Samoa tsunami
Lue Elizondo Head of The Pentagon UFO AATIP
"DEMONIC BEINGS", "The Balance" & "Humanity NOT being at the top of the food chain"
Aliens from Orion have Been
warning graphic content*
More On Adrenochrome Harvesting Click Here

Satan worshipers kidnaping children to be taken underground? From the former FBI Chief. More evidence they've been giving and sacrificing children to aliens.
Just like Epstein.

The Elites and The Governments of the World have been trading Human Children as food and drug Adrenochrome for technology with the aliens from Orion. This is why the Nazi death Marches are in the shape of Orion and why The D.U.M.B.s are IDENTICAL in the shape of Orion.

By solving The Nazca Lines, realizing that aliens for sure come from Orion, and after examining UFOs from WWII, I realized that WWII was actually an Adrenochrome Harvest in trade for technology with these beings from Orion. I call it "The Adrenochrome Holocaust." This is why The Nazi Death Marches are in the shape of Orion, to honor Orion. After WWII, The US Military, in secret, made the same deal trading Human Beings as slaves, food and drug, Adrenochrome for technology with Orion and subsequently are
I believe they targeted the Jewish people because of Moses leading The Jews to freedom from Egypt under ORION's rule 5,000 years prior.

Technology attained from the WWII Adrenochrome Holocaust and The US Adrenochrome Harvest
All Nazi UFOs obtained from the Adrenochrome Trade
More On The Nazi Adrenochorme Holocaust Click Here

The Black Suns symbol is actually incorporated in the Ukraine Military flag. The Black Suns are The Orion Group's symbol, the aliens who've they've been trading children for technology with.

Symbolism WILL Be Their Downfall The Black Suns is ORION!

NATO Exercise ORION 23
French hold first invasion exercise of WW3 against Russia and call it ORION.
How can I further prove that the Elite and The Military has been FEEDING aliens people underground?
Is "Hell" real? Where is "Hell?" What have 'they' been doing in "Hell?" Why are 'they' terrifying looking demonic beings? They are aliens who been eating us right underneath our feet this whole time.

What the Americans got from their trade
ARVs (Alien Reproduction Vehicles)
Lockheeds new drone

MIG 29 Cloak "Super Stealth"
After working decades with these "demonic beings" behind Humanity's back, The US Military's "New Guard" is now shooting at the extraterrestrials.
The US Military Has Been Harboring Adrenochrome Harvesting Aliens at Dougway Proving Ground & Area 51

False I&W Deceptive Indications & Warnings Projects

Trump secretly takes out the child sex rings in the military
Resulting in the entire Pentagon looking for child prostitutes in other countries 2018-2019. The Adrenochrome trade afforded these men access to children. This is who has been protecting us, child raping satan worshippers.
They've been here hunting us, living underground for thousands of years. The Military knew all about Orion hunting here and allowed it in exchange for technology.

Now we know where all thous 'missing' people are going...
Do you know where else they've been hunting? Everywhere.

Agenda 21, D.U.M.B.s (deep underground military bases),
Project Excalibur & The Double Cross
To hide 'The Crimes Against Humanity' with Orion, The Deep State's plan, Agenda 21, was going to having us all harvested and enslaved by aliens from Orion just as they did the Jews in Nazi Germany 1940s. Secretly, The Orion Group has been living and operating in the D.U.M.B.s. for thousands of years until Dec 7th 2018.

"THE GREAT CULLING" of the "Useless eaters."
"Little Green Monsters in Machines"
How Did She Know They Would Use a Virus In 2009??? That Was The Plan.

Oxford Doctor says Global Warming linked to Alien Activity Terraforming Earth
Why did the US Military spend billions on subterranean incursions training in 2017?
Why did Obama leave the military without ammo?

Whistleblower claims Eisenhower wanted to invade area 51 in the 50s.
Dec 7th 2018 US Military Double Crossed Orion by taking over Area 51 resulting in The All Seeing Eye appearing above The Pentagon 12 days after proving it was true because the aliens were pissed that they were double crossed.

The Eye, otherwise known as The All Seeing Eye are alien from Orion & Draco who have ruled our world in the dark for thousands of years. Moloch is Orion is The All Seeing Eye. They have been here 'feeding' RULING over Humanity this whole time and the Elite have been helping them.
3 months later, Russia allowed to fly over Area 51 for the first time ever... Just checking to see if the alien invasion force is gone? You're exposed.

Why were all the D.U.M.B.s being blown up with 'earthquakes' in 2020? Project Excalibur

Trump confirms Dec 7th 2018 "REVOLT" in the military and Biden wanted to end Space Force first thing. Also Tom Hanks, Jim Carrey & Jimmy Kimble setting us up for an alien invasion.
Proof of The Double Cross against Orion.
Orion is NOT in the new Space Force logo because they are busted by me.

Now they are going after Orion?
Stan Romanek drawing The Grey's come from Mintaka

"Bad Aliens" come from Mintaka. The Black Hats are also called "Delta Orion." It means Mintaka Orion.
Why have the positive aliens been patrolling Earth skis for the past 6 years? Because they just stopped Agenda 21
David Wilcox proven TRUE with the positive aliens showing up in 2016 to protect Humanity from the alien invasion.
Even after losing control over the alien invasion in 2018, Agenda 21, Joe Biden "still believes this is a battle for the 'SOUL' of our nation." These people are sick. They want us all harvested.

Why has the 'D' party been after our guns? Project Orion - Agenda 21

Twitter is also involved with this false flag event.
SOLARWINDS ORION NETWORK was hacked by Russia and used as a weapon to attack major infrastructure. What's in 10 years? Agenda 30, a nuclear war.


JFK Assassination

REVELATION - Saint John, How did a man 1,500 years ago know a 7,000 year old star alignment was going to usher in REVELATION? Simple, technology. They took St. John into the future and showed him a possible outcome, then planted him back to write about it. This is how Jesus himself will be returning for the "second coming."


They are not Lizard people, they are Reptilians.

The All Seeing Eye is Moloch and are the aliens from ORION who've been eating children.

They All Knew About The Aliens

Guess Who's Been Worshiping and FEEDING ORION, A SATANIC FORCE, This Whole Time & ALL KNEW About Agenda 21.

Orion found in the middle of Paris France
All Elite Secret Societies Were Birthed From Secret Extraterrestrial Contact.

Known Satan worshipers saying "Prepare Invasion - astral vampires"
They knew about Agenda 21

MeatCanyon obviously knew what the aliens have been doing underground.
Rick and Morty known Satanist Dan Harmon"God's" return
Why is this man under the impression that The Jews are going to be rounded up again to be gassed?
The Church of Lucifer "They are coming..."

The Catholic Church knew all about the satan worshipers, "NIGHT FIRST" They've been working with them in something called The Balance.

The Real Reason Pizzagate Was "Fake News" Is Because James Alefantis Is Actually James de Rothschild, A Blood Relative To Lord Jacob Rothschild aka The Pindar & The One Responsible For The Adrenochrome Trade With Orion Since The 1930s.

Lord Jacob Rothschild and Marina Abramovic standing in front of the portrait entitled "Satan's Army."

Proof Pizzagate was NOT
*Warning graphic content*
You need to see it or else more children will be raped and murdered.

More on the Elite Satanic Death Cult click here UNCLE SAM'S SNUFF FACTORY
Satanic Elite Pedophilia Death Cult??? No, that's just 'fake news'. The truth is, that's exactly what they've been doing. It's all true.
Watch President Creepy Joe molested every single child that comes near him during Senator Coons swearing into office hearing on live CNN TV.

Ryushin Sean Malone


In conclusion, after 5 years of writing hundreds of thousands of people, doctors, lawyers, scientists, historians, ancient alien theorists, military, ufologist, congress members, NASA along with providing all of the evidence with no reply, it is clear they have no intention of telling The People the truth. The US Military says “they don’t know who ‘they’ are,” “they don’t know where ‘they’ come from,” “they don’t know why ‘they’re’ here or ‘their’ intent” with all of this evidence proving they are lying. The US Military knows exactly who they are, where they come from(most of them) and why they are here. If they were going to tell the truth, they’d just acknowledge me and the evidence but don't. Why? Because if The People were to find out that they were secretly trading and feeding aliens children as food knowingly for technology, it would end their funding.
Notable Websites to review
Click on images to open links