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The Black Suns & Vril
Not only are The Black Suns a ancient secret society group, but it's true origin is The Orion Group. It is the aliens symbol and said to be everywhere in Antarctica. The Orion Group is a SATANIC FORCE. i.e., The Black Suns is a Satanic Force.

The first notable "black suns" I found was from the jewish version of Genesis 1, Enoch 77:1-4. Which claimed that it was electromagnetic. Interesting that the black suns here exists at the bottom of the earth, like the black suns Orion Group lives in Antartica. Clearly it was misinterpreted and or a metaphor.


John Podesta, a known satan worshipper, goes to visit Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand and 5 days later a man with The Black Suns symbol shoots up a mosques killing 50 people resulting in the Christchurch Call to Action bill which takes away New Zealand rights to bare arms. This connection between the black suns and satanic Orion tells us that Jacinda Ardern is on their side. This is just like Project Orion.

Jacinda Ardern at The UN wants to take away freedom of speech to stop "fake news."

ChristChurch Call to Action

The Vril
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